10 Essential Campsite Accessories for RVers

Beyond the basic essentials for RVing, such as chocks, a water filter, and a sewer hose, there are additional campsite accessories that can make your trip more fun and enjoyable. Whether you're an experienced RVer or embarking on a weekend getaway, consider these 10 campsite accessories to make your journey more memorable and enjoyable.

Outdoor Rug: A stylish and durable outdoor rug can transform your campsite into a cozy and inviting space. It provides a clean surface for lounging, playing games, or simply enjoying the outdoors.

Outdoor rugs make great campsite accessories and keep your site clean.

Zero Gravity Chairs: We've tried three to four different types of chairs, but these win for comfort and ease of setup. They cost more than typical camping chairs, but if you spend a considerable amount of time around the fire or reading and lounging outside, these are the way to go. They're called "zero gravity" because they mimic the feeling of weightlessness that astronauts experience in space. These chairs are designed to distribute your body weight evenly, which can help reduce pressure on your spine and joints. You recline by pushing down on the chair's frame with your feet. You can adjust to the position that feels most comfortable for you. So, if you want to relax and feel like you're floating, a zero-gravity chair might be a good choice for you!

Blackstone Griddle: The second most asked question we get about being full-time RVers (behind, "ho do you get your mail?") is, "do you have a Blackstone?" A Blackstone Griddle is a flat cast iron surface that you can cook on, and has a fanatical following in the RV world. People use their griddles to make things like big breakfasts for the whole family with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, burgers, stir-fry, chick and potatoes - you have so many options! It's a popular choice for outdoor cooking because it's easy to use and clean.

Bonus Tip: Ge the adapter that allows you to connect your Blackstone propane valve right to your RV propane supply. This allows you to cook using your larger propane tanks rather than the small green canisters. You can also use the adapter that allows you to connect right to a 20 lb. propane tank.

Portable (Propane) Fire Pit: We we started out, we had a collapsible metal fire pit. It was lightweight and packed away small, but was a bit of a mess to clean and put away. Then we upgraded to a Solo Stove. We then realized that 3/4's of the places we traveled didn't allow wood fires due to burn bans. About a year and a half in, we bought a propane fire pit that can be used at every campground, regardless of burn bans. Because the propane fire pits only burn the gas as it's being released, there are no embers for the wind to catch and whisk away to start a fire in a secondary location. Overall, the Solo Stove is great for states where and when we can burn wood, but we love our propane fire pit for year-round enjoyment around the campfire.

Portable Shelter: The shelter we love is the Quick Set by Clam. We now refer to it as simply "Clam Hut." While it's nice to think that every day on a RV trip is going to be ideal weather, that's not the case. With a shelter like "Clam Hut," we're able to put the panels up and enjoy some quality time even when the rain is coming down.

Outdoor Fan: As much fas as an outdoor shelter can be, it can also get really hot. Having a durable outdoor fan helps circulate air and keep you cool when you're spending time outdoors.

Solar-Powered String Lights: Create a vibe at your campsite with solar-powered string lights. These eco-friendly lights add a fun ambiance to your outdoor space and are perfect for nights around the campfire or simply enjoying a peaceful night under the stars.

Portable Bluetooth Speaker: Enhance your outdoor experience with your favorite jams on a portable Bluetooth speaker. Whether you're having good conversations by the campfire or a dance party with friends, a good speaker can set the mood and keep the energy high.

Folding Chairs and Table: Comfortable seating is essential for enjoying meals, playing games, or simply lounging around the campsite. Picnic tables can be nice, but you can never guarantee if your site will have one and in what condition it'll be in. Invest in lightweight and foldable chairs and a table that are easy to transport and set up, providing a convenient and cozy outdoor living space.

Campsite Lighting: In addition to string lights, consider other types of campsite lighting such as lanterns or flashlights. These will come in handy when navigating around the campsite at night or making sure nobody trips on anything when the night is over.

These essential items can make your outdoor experience more fun and make your campsite feel cozy and inviting. From the comfort of zero gravity chairs to the convenience of a portable griddle, and the vibe of outdoor lighting and speakers, these items add comfort, ambiance, and entertainment to your outdoor adventures and elevate your camping experience.

Original blog written by Life With Beth and Court, owners of a Heartland North Trail travel trailer.